DVF Meccanica offers high-tech and traditional machining works with 3-4 or 5 axes cnc, milling and assembly of complete parts, prototypes and semi-finished products.

Backed by the experience and talents of its technical staff, DVF Meccanica also offers to their customers design support, three-dimensional modelling, prototyping, programming for either single custom pieces or mass production.
Here is an overview of the tools that allow DVF Meccanica to achieve the client's project with quality, precision and speed:
DMG MORI - DMC 80 duoBLOCK • Strokes: x 800; y 1050; z 800. 5-axis milling machine with HEIDENHAIN control, capacity max 1200 kg., 18000 rpm, pallet changer (10), tool magazine capacity: 183 tools. Connected with Fastems FPC-1500 flexible pallet container (20 pallets).
DMG MORI - DMC 80 duoBLOCK • Strokes: x 800; y 1050; z 800. 5-axis milling machine with HEIDENHAIN control, capacity max 1200 kg., 18000 rpm, pallet changer (10), # 273 tool places.
DMG MORI - DMC 95 monoBLOCK • Strokes: x; y 850; z 650. 5-axis milling machine with HEIDENHAIN 640 control, capacity max 1000 kg, 20000 rpm, pallet changer (3), tool magazine capacity: 120 tools.
DECKEL MAHO - DMU 100monoBLOCK • Strokes: x 1150; y 710; z 710. Rotary table D = 800, automatic head, 5-axis machine, CNC Heidenhain 530.
DECKEL MAHO - DMU 100T • Strokes: x 1080; y 710; z 710. Rotary table D = 800, automatic head, 5-axis machine, CNC Heidenhain 530.
DECKEL MAHO - DMU 60monoBLOCK • Strokes: x 630; y 560; z 560. Rotary table D = 600, automatic head, continuous 5-axis machine, CNC Heidenhain 530.
AERRE - CL60100 • Strokes: x 1000; y 600; z 600. CNC Selca.
LATHE MODEL DMG GILDEMEISTER - CTX 410 V3 • numerical control Siemens ShopTurn, tornibili ran about D = 400x600, motorized.
RAMBAUDI - VERSAMATIC 500 • Strokes: x 1200; y 500; z 500. Heidenhain CNC.
DOOSAN DNM 650 • Strokes: x 1270; y 670; z 620. Heidenhain CNC 530.
DOOSAN DNM 6700 • Strokes: x 1300; y 670; z 625. Heidenhain CNC.
DOOSAN DNM 6700L • Strokes: x 1500; y 670; z 625. Heidenhain CNC TNC-620.
METBA - MB-50-X • Strokes: x 1200; y 600; z 500. Heidenhain CNC.
SISMA • Desktop laser marking system Easy Open 60.